8th Grade End of Year Activities
May 2024
Dear Eighth Grade Parents/Guardians,
8th Grade Dance/Celebration - The eighth-grade dance will be held Friday, June 7th from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the Lawrence High School Commons. Only eighth-grade Lawrence Middle School students are allowed to attend. Formal attire is not advocated. The school dress code applies. During the celebration, students will have an opportunity to participate in a variety of activities: dancing, Mobile Game Theater, interactive photo booth and they will receive their own Class of 2028 T-Shirt. This event will be catered with a variety of hot and cold appetizers, desserts and drinks. Tickets will cost $40 per student. If your child would like a class of 2028 T-Shirt but does not want to attend the dance, they will have a chance to purchase a shirt for ($5.00) and the money is due by Friday, June 7th.
8th Grade Farewell Ceremony - The farewell ceremony will take place on Thursday, June 13th, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Rider University in the Alumni Gym.
Each student will be recognized for completing eighth grade. Students are encouraged to dress nicely (business) for the ceremony. Each eighth grader will receive three (3) tickets to the farewell ceremony. An additional three (3) tickets will be provided for each student upon written request by the parents on a first come-first served basis. Also, if you do not need the three tickets you have been given; please return them via your student to the main office. Please contact Mary Beth Coleman at the Middle School (671-5525) mcoleman@ltps.org with ticket requests or if you have any other questions.
LMS Shout-Outs - A new tradition we started at last year’s 8th-grade farewell ceremony was shout-outs from families to their 8th-grade students on the jumbotron at Rider. If you would like a shout-out from your family with a picture of your student on the jumbotron scrolling before the farewell ceremony complete the form below! The form will ask for a message and an image to create the shout-out (there is an example in the form as well).
LMS Class of 2024 Shout-out Form
LMS End of Year Video - An annual tradition for the End of the Year video at Lawrence Middle School is to have an 8th Grade Throwback Song featuring old pictures of your students! For this to happen we need your help!If you have pictures from your student's time in Lawrence Township Public Schools or in the community please send them to lmsvideo@ltps.info
Please only send digital images - we cannot use printed pictures. Digital images can be sent via attachment directly to lmsvideo@ltps.info or shared via any websites you may use to store images.
8th Grade Trip Reminder - Students will depart from the school at 9:00 a.m. and arrive back to the school at 3:00 p.m on Friday, June 14th. Only eighth-grade Lawrence Middle School students are allowed to attend. The trip will cost $60 per student. Final payment and permission slips are due by Friday, May 31st. Please make a check or money order payable to Lawrence Middle School. Cash will also be accepted.
Students should bring the following: Here are things the students will do on the trip:
-sunscreen, hat -BBQ lunch that includes vegetarian options
-athletic clothing -Mountain Tubing
-flip flops & sneakers -Tie Dying
-bag & water bottle -Paddle Boats
-beach towel (for sunbathing) -Sports Activities w/equipment included
Reminder - Inappropriate behaviors between now and until the end of the year (including attendance and failing grades) can result in a student losing his/her privilege of participating in the end-of-the-year activities.
Thank you in advance for helping celebrate the Class of 2028.
LMS Class Advisors